Med anledning av de senaste händelserna i Egypten
Söndag morgon den 9 april detonerar en bomb i St. Georges koptiska kyrka i staden Tanta i Egypten. Strax därefter utlöser en självmordsbombare sin sprängladdning utanför Markuskyrkan i Alexandria. Detta sker endast två dagar efter terrorattacken i Stockholm och våra hjärtan fylls av sorg då vi tänker på alla de drabbade.
Vi lever i en orolig tid med många frågor men tyvärr inte alltid lika många svar. Per-Erik Hallin utrycker sig så här i sången Labyrint: ”…om det har funnits en som döden inte rådde på, då finns det hopp, då är det vägen som jag måste gå…”
SAT-7 ARABIC sände under måndagen ett specialinsatt program som stöd för de sörjande.
Nedan kommenterar Terence Ascott, VD och grundare av SAT-7, senaste veckans händelser i Egypten.
Iren och Mats
SAT-7 Founder and CEO, Dr Terence Ascott, comments:
“In the midst of grief and, in many cases, immediate anger – it is sometimes hard to find the right words of comfort for those who are injured or have lost dear ones in such a tragedy.
“The truth is that, whether the tragedy is in Tanta, Alexandria, Stockholm, London, Berlin, Nice or Paris… there is nothing that anyone can do to protect themselves or others against the evil actions of anyone who is willing to give their life to indiscriminately take the lives of others. And therein is the problem – in the sick and distorted ideologies that have possessed the minds of some, to the point where the act of killing innocent children and destroying the lives of as many others as possible, can be seen as a service to God.”
Dr Ascott stresses that the ongoing priority for SAT-7 has to be one of changing hearts and minds:
“In the end, winning the battle for people’s minds is the only way to stop such carnage. As a media organisation serving in this very troubled region, may God give us wisdom in what to say; and give our viewers the ears to hear and respond to His Love for all people – yes, even those who, at this moment, may be rejoicing at the successful murder and maiming of yet more of our brothers and sisters in Egypt.”
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